The Letter from Tuba Khmeri Yemen: A 1000 year Journey to the Prophet MUHAMMAD ﷺ

A thousand years before the advent of the Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD , a notable king named Tuba Khmeri ruled over Yemen. During one of his royal tours, he was accompanied by an impressive entourage of twelve thousand scholars and sages, one hundred and thirty-two thousand horsemen, and one hundred and thirteen thousand infantry. Everywhere he went, people would gather to witness his splendor and grandeur.

King Tuba Khmeri Yemen
King Tuba Khmeri Yemen

However, when King Tuba Khmeri reached Makkah during his visit, he noticed an unusual phenomenon. The people of Makkah did not come out to greet or witness his presence. Perplexed by this, he inquired of his prime minister, who explained that the city held a special reverence for a house known as Baitullah (the House of Allah), and its inhabitants, the Kaaba's servants were esteemed far more highly than any royal entourage. People from near and far would pilgrimage to this house and serve its occupants, prioritizing it over the king's arrival.

In response, the king's anger flared, and he vowed to unearth this revered house and harm its inhabitants. Astonishingly, he immediately began to bleed from his nose, mouth, and eyes, and a foul odor emanated from him. Despite attempts at medical treatment, his condition did not improve. One evening, a learned scholar arrived and, after examining the king's pulse, declared that his ailment was celestial in nature but could be remedied through earthly means. The scholar urged the king to repent for his ill intentions toward Baitullah and the Kaaba's servants.

Upon heartfelt repentance, the king's bleeding ceased, and he experienced a full recovery. Overjoyed at his restored health, he expressed his repentance by offering a silk cover to Baitullah and presenting seven Ashrafis and seven pairs of silk to each of the city's residents.

Read about The 1st of Muharram, Martyrdom of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him)

King Tuba Khmeri continued his journey and reached Madinah, where he encountered scholars versed in heavenly scriptures. They could identify the soil, pebbles, and landmarks related to the Prophet Muhammad's migration, as described in their ancient texts. These scholars pledged to remain in that blessed land, even if they never met the last Prophet (MUHAMMAD ), as the dust from his shoes would eventually fall upon their graves, securing their salvation.

Their dedication made the king build four hundred houses for these scholars. Adjacent to the residence of a prominent divine scholar, he erected a splendid two-story house, designated for the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). He bequeathed this house to the Prophet, proclaiming it a place of rest for his future visit. Additionally, the king provided substantial financial support to these scholars, encouraging them to remain in Madinah. He sent a letter to the divine scholar, entrusting it to the Prophet MUHAMMAD  when he arrived.

Centuries passed, and this letter, treasured among the descendants of the scholars, eventually found its way to Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari, one of their descendants. He entrusted the letter to his slave, Khas Abu Laila. When the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) migrated to Madinah, the people of Madinah eagerly awaited his arrival. They prepared to welcome him with festivities and offered their homes for his stay.

The Prophet MUHAMMAD , however, instructed them to let his camel choose its resting place, declaring that wherever it stopped, that would be his residence. It so happened that his camel halted at the two-story house built by King Tuba Khmeri for the Prophet's stay. The people of Madinah sent Abu Laila to present the letter from the king of Yemen. Upon reading it, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) expressed his blessings upon King Tuba Khmeri, acknowledging the letter's contents.


This remarkable story, preserved in various historical sources, attests to the profound reverence and honor accorded to the Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD  by individuals and rulers of different eras.

 Reference to the books: 

  • Mizan al-Idyan
  • Kitab al-Mustasraf
  • Hujta Allah Alayh al-Alameen
  • Tarikh Ibn Asaqir

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