Transgender People and The Pakistani Act


Let's Understand in Simple Words Today

Male or female is determined at the time of formation of the first cell/embryo. This is due to the sex chromosomes inherited from the mother and father. These chromosomes form the male or female internal and external organs and hormones in the fetus, which appear at birth or puberty in the male or female sex. Due to this system and hormonal disturbances, some children are mistaken for their gender. This ambiguity may be present at birth or may not manifest until puberty.

Intersex or Hermaphroditism

Individuals who were born with sexual ambiguity due to such abnormalities are called hermaphrodites or intersexual. Different anomalies have different strengths. In the history of Islam, scholars have also given such people the opportunity to adopt the dominant sex should be However, there are different hormonal or surgical methods for different needs, making some cases easier for people who have even been deprived of their rights.

Cis Gender

These are people who were born physically and wholly male or female and who are comfortable with their gender identity which includes most people like you.


People who were born physically and hormonally male or female. However, adolescents are dissatisfied with their gender because of psychological turmoil and complications, social pressures, tendencies, and personal likes and dislikes. This unhappiness is known as gender dysphoria. These people choose their gender. When he is a man, he becomes a woman, and when he is a woman, he becomes a man, both men and women say that they have not defined themselves as non-binary. Of course, the opinions of such people can change with the times, circumstances, and ways of thinking. These people may simply inherit the appearance and functions of the opposite sex, or they may alter internal and external organs through surgery and hormones.

What Are the Problems of Transgender People in Islam?

Apart from the veil and mixing between men and women, Islam has laws such as marriage and inheritance. Imagine a man who wants to be a woman tomorrow and a man taking over women's restrooms, pools, gyms, etc. Whom will he marry? If he calls himself a woman and marries a man, isn't that gay? Neither the surgery nor the hormone therapy will change her true gender, so the only thing that will change is her body.

Please understand an important misconception

Transgender laws around the world were not designed to protect transgender people. They are medically and physically like that, and there are very few of them. Transgender laws in developed countries are intended to protect those who voluntarily change their gender and are not limited to gender choice, but also apply to sexual orientation. Homosexuality with transgender people is therefore fully protected.

What's Next?

This is just the beginning and serves to let the general public know that there is much more to come. A transgender woman cannot have children because she is male, so she donates someone's eggs and her sperm to have children. He borrows the uterus of a third woman to develop this embryo. Therefore, it can be concluded that the pedigree of a child born in this way, the mother and father, is more solid than that of a child born out of adultery.

Who is her real father? who is the real mother whether there is someone or not what many people claim is that no one has. In some cases, after two males are married, the sister provides the female cells and the mother nourishes this embryo in the womb. From this, we can roughly estimate that this is just the beginning, something that will come out in a few generations.
are born with one parent or no parents. Consider how the mental, psychological, physical, and emotional bonds of children born through this kind of process are affected. It looks like a plan to destroy humanity.

The West has not stopped, with a growing number of groups and individuals wishing to identify themselves as animals called furries. Most of them also have sexual fantasies about getting sexual gratification with animals.

What happened in Pakistan?

In Pakistan, there is a joke that smart people with colorful flags have succeeded in satisfying the desires of animals in the name of defending the rights of intersex people. The 2018 Transgender Law has been passed by all major political parties. This is not just because the same controversial term keeps the general public ignorant.  If you listen to the video yourself, Minister Tehreek-e-Insan, Shireen Mazari, clearly states that each person's gender identity has its right and should not be prescribed a health check for that. You can see she says that true or congenital transgender people should be legally regulated and medically confirmed to have been born with an ambiguous gender before being allowed to choose their gender. In response to objections, they said, are they? So that other egoists cannot take advantage of it.
the West, 1 in 3 boys and 1 in 3 girls want a sex change. Canada, which is at the forefront of this legislation, is holding gender reassignment ceremonies for children in schools in the United States and European countries. And if parents are not happy about this, it is believed that there is no need to let them know. The law, government, and society as a whole will fully protect them. These kids could be in grades 3, 4, and 5. What do you think would happen if this law were to stay in Pakistan on the same terms? Only Mushtaq Ahmad Khan, Senator JI faces the ridicule and opposition of these dangerous people. The decision is in your hands. You can either ignore this threat, silence it, act appropriately on political bias, or urge leaders to make significant changes to legislation.


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