What is Frustration and how to deal with it? A Birth Reality Reminder


What is Frustration?

In psychology, frustration is a common emotional response to resistance associated with anger, resentment, and disappointment. Frustration arises from the perceived resistance to achieving a person's will or goals and can increase when those wills or goals are denied or blocked. For example, we may become frustrated when our partner forgets to take care of important errands, or we may become irritated by our reactions to our partner's mistakes.

Causes of Frustration

It often happens when things don't go as planned. You may be making actions or efforts that don't work as expected or produce the results you want. Common causes of frustrations include daily hassles, finances, relationships, interpersonal conflicts, work-related problems, and stressful current world events.

Signs of Frustration

Frustration can show up in several different ways. Expressions can vary from one person to the next, some of the common signs of frustration include anger or losing temper, Irritability, getting overwhelmed and giving up on tasks, feeling annoyed, using alcohol, nicotine, or other substances to cope, having trouble sleeping or experiencing other changes in sleeping patterns, feeling anxious or on edge and experiencing changes in eating habits.

Effects of Frustration

In addition to the immediate symptoms of frustration such as irritability and annoyance, it can also have more lasting effects on your health and well-being. Frustration can also lead to other problems like poor self-esteem, unhealthy behavior, aggression, stress, and depression.

How to Address Frustration?

The ability to deal with frustration is known as frustration tolerance. A high frustration tolerance indicates that you can handle challenges successfully, while a low frustration tolerance means that you feel stressed over minor inconveniences.


The semen released by a healthy man after having intercourse with a woman contains 400 million sperm, and if that amount of sperm reaches the uterus, theoretically 400 million babies will be born. Only 300 or 500 survive the race as 400 million sperm rush to the mother's womb like crazy.
What else? They die of exhaustion or defeat along the way. There are 300-500 sperm that reach the egg. Only one of them, the very strong sperm, will enter the egg and either fertilize it or reach it and sit down.

This lucky sperm could be you, me, or all of us.

Have you ever thought about this great war? When you ran, "Even though you had no eyes, hands, legs, or head, you won!" At the point when you ran, you were uninformed, nobody helped you, yet you were alive.

When you ran, your intuition only had the goal in mind. After that, many children were lost in the womb. But you stayed and finished nine months.

And today...

I get frustrated when something happens, why? why do you think I lost Why I Lost Your Trust Now you have friends, brothers, testimonials, everything. You have limbs, you have education, you have a brilliant planner, and you have people to help you, but you have given up hope.
Why do you say you don't want to live?

Why did you say you lost?

It is possible to highlight thousands of such things, but why be disappointed?

Why are you annoyed?


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